Thursday, November 6, 2014

What is your Educational Philosophy?

This week in class we got the opportunity to find out what type of teaching philosophy we have! I found this to be very exciting! I know that I have certain beliefs for what and how things should be taught in a classroom but it was nice to see exactly what category my thoughts fell into. If you would like to find out for yourself click here for the assessment! and once you are down you can click here for your results!

When taking the assessment I had a feeling I was going to get Progressivism for my educational philosophy but it turns out that one took second place. I ended up with Humanism! After reading what Humanism stood for I do believe that is one is the right choice for me!

Humanist educators consider learning from the perspective of the human potential for growth,
becoming the best one can be. The shift is to the study of effective as well as cognitive dimensions
of learning. Beliefs include: human beings can control their own destiny; people are inherently good
and will strive for a better world; people are free to act but must be responsible; behavior is the
consequence of human choice; and people possess unlimited potential for growth and development.
There is a natural tendency for people to learn, which will flourish if nourishing, encouraging
environments are provided.

I think that many of these beliefs are truly important. If someone set their mind on something they believe is important they will try their best to accomplish it. The opportunity for growth is endless and if you want to strive for something better you have the potential to do it, no one is stopping you besides yourself. You can do it! We learn something new everyday, education is never going to stop, we are just going to get smarter and smarter. When teaching I think that it is very important for students to learn personal growth as well as being able to work together and develop ideas. I also believe that everyone is responsible for their own actions and  with that there is unlimited potential.

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