Thursday, October 30, 2014

How would you go about inclusion in the classroom?

     When planning a lesson for an inclusion classroom it can be hard to know where to start. There are many resources available to help set up lesson plans and include ideas within the classroom. It is important to plan out things that you would like to teach in class. Of course not everything will go the way that is expected but it is important to be able to adapt to the different things you may encounter.
     Different teaching methods are very important when teaching an inclusion classroom. Not every student learns the same and it is important to be able to provide different options for lessons. We want students to be able to succeed in the best way possible.
          Do you know what UDL or IDEA is when we are talking about school?

UDL is a form of curriculum that provides an appropriate challenge for all students. The materials that are being discussed in class are flexible and include multiple ways that students can go about different assignments.

IDEA is an act that helps provide the help and support to the individual students that need it. The four components need to be applied to all students including goals, media and material, teaching methods, and assessments. All students need to be treated equally and be provided the same opportunities when it comes to learning. These opportunities can be both physically and mentally.

I think that both of these ideas are very important when it comes to the education system. Every student deserves the right to the best education that they can receive.

The picture to the right shows a great example for all different types of people and how they may look and learn different but they can all learn the same thing, just in different ways.

The image above gives many different examples of how students may learn. This can help develop different concepts that teachers can provide alternate ways of doing assignment. I think that students will really benefit more when they can discover what kind of learner they are. This will help them to work on the lessons easier and faster so they can understand what they are being taught.

What are some ways you would go about inclusion in the classroom?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Diversity in the Classroom

     The topic I am choosing to write about in my post this week is how teachers will work with students who are gifted or students who may have disabilities. Both of these types of students will be apart of your classroom setting and it is your job as a teacher to be able to accommodate them in the best way possible!
     As a teacher what can you do for your exceptional learners so they can succeed in your classroom?
     I think that it is very important to get to know every student you have, that way you can get an idea of how they learn and what type of person they are. This may include going out of your way to do research on their giftedness or disability so you can help them learn in the best possible way.
--There is not a law mandating special services to children who are "gifted or talented" but there are things that you can do as a teacher on your own that will challenge them and help them get the most out of their education.
--Students who do have disabilities often have more than one. It is important to in cooperate lesson plans that students at any level can take part in. If students need extra help, it is also important to be able to provide that as well.
More and more students are being discovered with exceptionalities than before because of the resources that are now available. Students representing all different levels are going to be in our classrooms and it is important that we are prepared to teach them in the best way we can. Discussing diversity in the classroom is a major step to creating a safe, accepting place where student can feel comfortable. Everyone is different and that is okay.

Tips for working with students with exceptionalities
This link provides just a few things to keep in mind when teaching students with excetionalities.

I think that it is very important to understand that all students are different. Patience is key, all students learn differently and at different paces. Every student is unique in their own way. We of course do not need to point out what makes them different because that can often put the students in uncomfortable situations. We just need to be able to understand what the best way to accommodate them is and do our best to provide am awesome classroom where everyone feels comfortable to learn.

 Image resource and Fairness image

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Columbus Day in the Classroom

     Talking about Columbus Day in the classroom can be a kind of tricky. The students already come in with an idea of who Christopher Columbus was and what they have been told. In the two articles I read for class they gave good examples and different ways of how to go about it in the classroom. One teacher used an example with the topic of the word discovery.  She explained what it meant how Columbus used that as an excuse for "discovering America". The teacher then gave them questions to talk/think about when reading other books about Christopher Columbus. I think that this was a good way to getting them thinking and questioning whats going on. In the other article I read it talked about how to approach talking about Native Americans and stereotypes. Many of these topics are very important to talk about even at an early age so the students can get a better understanding of what they are saying/how they are acting towards one another. I think before starting the lesson of Columbus it would be interesting to have them draw up an idea of who they think Christopher Columbus was and explain. This idea came from the article on stereotypes.
     When I have children of my own I would like to use some of the example of articles like the ones I've read to teach them about the real Christopher Columbus, not the glorified one. I think it will be helpful having a teaching background when it comes to this kind of topic when talking to my own kids. I would like to teach them about stealing and discrimination as well.

I found this picture when researching Christopher Columbus. If you notice it says "brave" and "hero" as a characteristic Columbus might have had. the children in this classroom were introduced to all of the things that Columbus really did. Everything is being sugar coated and hidden. Children at an early age should know the truth and the lessons that can come along with it.
     I think that all students should learn the truth about Columbus such a who he was as a person and all of the things he did such as stealing and taking over other peoples land. There are many different approaches, just find one that you find the most interesting! How would you go about it?

Resources:Columbus picture
The articles we read for class

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reflection of Me

I think a big contribution to who I am and what I love comes from my family and friends, they are a very important part of my life and without them I have nothing. 
Answering question 8 on page 285 
In every corner of the globe, we can find people searching for a larger purpose in life. Sometimes educators describe their desire to make a difference or to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Do you have these thoughts?
     I think that it is very important for someone who wants to teach to want to make a difference in the education system. We have all had different experiences and all have different things that we want to bring into teaching. When I was in middle/high school I remember certain qualities that teachers had that I never wanted to reenact when I became a teacher. That is something I would want to make a difference with when I become a teacher. 
     I am looking forward to becoming a special education teacher more and more each day. When I do my observation hours in the classroom I never want to leave. The children motivate me to do my best in school so someday it will be me up in front of the classroom doing what I love.
     Being a part of the education system is much bigger than myself. It is building a strong community where we can all work together to benefit the children. I want to provide so many skills to my students to help them in so many different ways that they can carry with them throughout their life. 

I like this saying because it goes along with if you want to see a difference in the world then you must be that difference. I talked above how I want to make a difference in my student’s lives and by doing so I need to try different approaches and do my best to help succeed.

I think that with just these few words it gives so many example of what it means to be a teacher. These are qualities that I would like to have when I start teaching.
I think that this was an excellent quote because it is true. Both the good and not so good teachers have a place in everyone’s mind. When you look back you can normally recall one teacher that you really liked and one teacher that you didn't.  I want to be the teacher that influences and inspires students in a positive way.

I found this cute video that is a pep talk to both teachers and students. It asks the question “What are you teaching the world?” which goes along with question number 8 “what is the difference you are trying to make?”