Thursday, September 18, 2014

Introduction to Me!

Hello Everyone!!
My name is Tessa and I am currently a sophomore at Salem State. I am majoring in elementary education and sociology! I plan on getting my masters in special education in hopes of becoming a second grade special education teacher! I've always known that I wanted to become a teacher, being around children brings such joy to my life. In the 9th grade a fellow girl scout and I created a club at our high school for our girl scout silver award. The club was created to bring together the kids in the special education classroom (ranged from 14-22 years old) and the kids in the mainstream classes to hangout and get to know one another. We planned trips to go bowling, to the movies, shopping, had field games, and even organized groups to do the walk for autism! Not only were some of the activities listed above fun but they helped the kids in special education class work on some of their life skills such as budgeting when we used money, being social, and emotional towards one another as well. And for me personally it was such a rewarding experience, volunteering in the classroom made my day better and seeing the reactions of the students when I walked in brought a smile to my face. You may think "What got her so interested in special education?" and I will tell you! When my nephew was around the age of two and a half he was diagnosed with autism. I was at the young age of fourteen and I didn't really know what autism was or what I could do to help. I did some research and educated myself and others. I learned that there is a low and high end of something called the spectrum. If you are interested in learning about autism click here!  My nephew is on the low end of the spectrum, in which case means he does not have severe autism. Over the years he has improved in so many ways and I am so proud of how far he has come! He transitioned into a mainstream classroom when he started kindergarten and is now in the second grade. (He started off preschool being in a classroom with ten students each having a one to one, this is a big accomplishment!) He was the one who got me interested in wanting to help others and to teach children with special needs. I loved working with the high school students, but I've always known that elementary school was the place for me!

This is my nephew and I last year at Christmas time!

Here is a link that is pretty funny, but gives some good advice for new teachers just starting out!

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